Apsara Oil Driller KrisEnergy’s Wind-up Petition Hearing Set for July
KrisEnergy has announced that its wind-up petition hearing will be held on 12 July; meanwhile, the operation of its subsidiary KrisEnergy (Cambodia) is temporarily paused. The hearing date was set after Singapore-based parent companyKrisEnergy filed a winding-up petition to the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands, requesting liquidation due to its inability to pay debt. […]
Read MoreJapan to Provide US$10 billion in Decarbonisation Support for ASEAN Nations
Japan is preparing to launch a US$10 billion initiative aimed at helping ASEAN countries reduce greenhouse gas emission, reported Nikkei Asia. Through this initiative, Japan will help draw a road map and set up a public and private investment and loan facilities, where all funding will be invested and lent through the Japanese government-affiliated Japan […]
Read MoreSection of NR48 in Pak Klang Commune, Koh Kong Province Closed for Renovation
The left side of the NR48 in Neang Kok village, Pak Klang commune, Mondul Seima district, Koh Kong province will be temporarily closed for repairs, while traffic will be diverted to the right side from Monday 14 June onwards. The closure was announced after the road was severely damaged by floods and landslides. Due to […]
Read MoreG7 Countries to Counter China’s BRI with US$40-trillion Build Back Better World Initiative
The United States and other members of the G7 have revealed their plan to counter China’s BRI by offering developing countries transparent infrastructure plans otherwise known as the US$40-trillion Build Back Better World (B3W) initiative, reported Reuters. The 7 nations discussed this matter during their meeting in England last week, where one agenda item was […]
Read MoreDraft Sub-Decree to Tackle Public Infrastructure Encroachment Takes Another Step Forward
The Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) has held another meeting to update and speed up progress on the draft sub-decree on land management along public roads and railways, showing another step forward to the end of public infrastructure encroachment. The meeting was held last week and chaired by Secretary of State of MPWT […]
Read MoreEvolutions of Retail Sector as Cambodia is increasingly digitally connected
Cambodia has reached over 20 million mobile phone subscribers by the Year 2020, most of which used smartphones. As Cambodia’s digital infrastructure continues to improve, this will release the untapped potentials in the ‘mobile internet-users market. The growing number of mobile phone subscribers using smartphones can eventually be translated directly into the markets of advertising […]
Read MoreThird Bakheng Water Treatment Plant Proposed
ambodia has requested France to consider investing or providing financial support for building a third Bakheng water treatment plant in response to the growing clean water demand in Phnom Penh. The proposal was made during a meeting between the Minister of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation (MISTI) HE Cham Prasidh, and French Ambassador to Cambodia […]
Read MoreInter-Ministerial Committee Established to Accelerate Sihanoukville Multi-Purpose SEZ Plan
The Cambodian government has issued a sub-decree establishing a new inter-ministerial committee, with the designated tasks of creating policies and land management plans to develop Sihanoukville into a multi-purpose special economic zone as soon as possible. According to Sub-Decree No. 82 issued on 09 June 2021, the committee has a total of 25 members, with […]
Read MoreMPWT Intends to Promote Green Logistic Policy in Cambodia
The Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) is committed to learning from the upcoming International Transport Forum (ITF) on how to effectively implement green policies, such as the usage of electric vehicles, in Cambodia. MPWT Minister HE Sun Chanthol made the declaration during a meeting with the Secretary-General of the International Transport Forum (ITF) […]
Read MoreHLH, Hei Shi Mineral to Co-Invest US$20 million in Mineral Resource Exploration in Kampong Speu
Hong Lai Huat (HLH) Group’s wholly owned subsidiary HLH Agriculture (Cambodia) signed an MOU with Cambodia Hei Shi Mineral on 08 June to co-invest an estimated US$20 million in mineral resource exploration and mining at the Agriculture Hub in Kampong Speu, reported The Edge Singapore. According to the 10-year MoU with a renewal option, both […]
Read MoreCambodia’s First Industrial Gold Mine Officially Operational, Expected to Produce 3 Tons Per Year
Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen has announced that Cambodia’s first industrial gold mining business in Mondulkiri will be officially operational from 21 June onwards, marking another major achievement for Cambodia. Located in Okvau, Kaew Seima district in Mondulkiri province, this industrial gold mining business is operated by Renaissance Minerals (Cambodia) Limited, where the firm […]
Read MoreAustralia Provides US$900,000 Grant for Cambodia’s Off Electrification Project
The Australian government has provided grant aid of US$900,000 to Cambodia for the development of an off-grid electrification project. The grant agreement was signed by Secretary of State of Ministry of Mines and Energy HE Ty Norin and Australian Charge d’Affaires Luke Arnold on 9 June. The grant is 1.2 million Australian Dollars (approximately $920,000) […]
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