Successful Concrete Pipe Solution at PT. Calvary Abadi
Indonesian company PT. Calvary Abadi has operated the Souveraen concrete pipe machine by BFS Betonfertigteilsysteme from Germany for almost two years. The investment was worth it, and Calvary is more than satisfied with the industrial solution. PT. Calvary Abadi invested a lot of time and consultation by BFS Betonfertigteilsysteme GmbH and the Rieckermann Group before […]
Read MoreThe Future in Cambodia’s Construction Industry – Facilities Management
By: Daniel Tan and Ngu Kea Yuan In the past, development has been described as property to be designed, constructed and sold to the end user, which marks the end of the development. Today, facilities management is the next generation of services to improve the development after the post construction period. Asset Management Jones (2008) […]
Read MoreSpokesperson: Ground Broken on National Road No. 2 Soon
After many years of waiting, the expansion of National Road No. 2 financed the South Korean government, is scheduled to break ground soon, according to the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT).
Read MoreReport: Cambodia’s FDI Focuses Mostly on Construction Sector
Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows peaked at 13.4% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2018 and more than half of all FDI originated from China.
Read MoreDraft Master Plan for Kep Development Set for End of 2019
The government’s draft master plan for the development of Kep province as a ‘relaxation and high-end tourist destination’, is set to finalized by the end of 2019, according to the Ministry of Tourism.
Read MoreCambodia Developing to Become a Regional Logistics Hub
The Cambodian government has unveiled its plan for the country to become a regional logistics hub, for goods warehousing and goods transportation in ASEAN, particularly between Vietnam
Read MoreCambodia and Thailand Jointly Construct First Border Bridge
The governments of Cambodia and Thailand have jointly constructed the first border bridge between the two nations in Banteay Meanchey with the official inauguration taking place on 22 April 2019 by the heads of government of both countries.
Read MoreFeasibility Study on Airport Construction in Mondulkiri Province Unveiled
The Cambodian government has unveiled a project for an airport construction in Mondulkiri province to boost tourism development, agro-industry and agro-tourism, and in particular to connect the north-eastern region with other provinces and the region by air.
Read MoreCambodia-Thai railway links connected on 22 April
The heads of the governments of Cambodia and Thailand presided over the inaugurations of the rail line connection and Stung Bot-Ban Nong Ing Friendship Bridge on Monday 22 April
Read MoreThailand Loans Cambodia Us$26 Million for Stung Bot-ban Nong Ing Development
To boost trade and facilitate ease of travel between the two countries, Thailand has granted more than US$26 million in loans to Cambodia for the development of Stung Bot-Ban Nong Ing border checkpoint of Banteay Meanchey
Read MoreAnalysts: Skyrocketing Land Prices Along 60-metre Road Makes It Difficult for Residential Developers
The rapid development along the 60-metre road in the southern part of Phnom Penh has caused land prices to skyrocket, making it difficult for residential developers, according to a leading real estate analyst in Cambodia.
Read MoreFirst Phase of Prince Manor Resort Opens
An international leisure park being built by Chinese developer Prince Real Estate Group has opened phase I, as part of its mega project in Kandal Province, according to a post on the company’s facebook.
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