Chinese & Local Firms Mull Building 200ha Factory Complex in Kampong Speu

Kampong Speu Provincial Governor HE Vy Samnang has confirmed that a group of local and Chinese companies are expressing interest in setting up a 200-hectare factory complex in Kampong Speu province.

This project was mentioned during a recent meeting between representatives of investment companies and HE Vy Samnang.

“The firms have already presented investment plan to establish the factory complex to us [provincial hall]. The company has already selected the 200-hectare land plot, but the location cannot be revealed at this stage,” said HE Samnang.

HE Vy Samnang has expressed strong optimism over this investment plan, viewing it as the recovery sign for Cambodia from the negative impacts of COVID-19.

In April, HE Vy Samnang also said that at least 20 firms from Myanmar have expressed their interest in relocating their factories to Kampong Speu and were looking for the ideal location. (Read more)

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