Local News
Ppsez to Build Factories for Rent
The Phnom Penh SEZ is to start constructing leasable factory units as a way of increasing revenue at the nation’s struggling flagship industrial park.
Read Moreប្រទេសន័រវែសសាងសង់ផ្លូវបណ្តែតក្រោមទឹកដំបូងគេក្នុងពិភពលោក
បើយោងតាម Business Insider ដើម្បីកាត់បន្ថយពេលវេលាធ្វើដំណើរឆ្លងកាត់ ឈូងសមុទ្រ ចង្អៀត ដែលពិបាកឆ្លងកាត់របស់ប្រទេស ប្រទេសន័រវែស កំពុងពិចារណាកសាង ផ្លូវបណ្តែតក្រោមទឹក ដំបូងគេនៅលើពិភពលោក ។ ឈូងសមុទ្រនេះគឺជាសមុទ្រជ្រៅ តូចចង្អៀត និងវែង ដែលមានដី ចំណោតនៅបីផ្នែក ។ នៅភាគខាងលិចនៃ ប្រទេសន័រវេស មានឈូងសមុទ្រតូចចង្អៀតប្រភេទនេះ ១,១៩០ ដែលធ្វើឱ្យមានការលំបាក ខ្លាំងណាស់ក្នុងការ ធ្វើដំណើរតាមបណ្តោយឆ្នេររបស់ប្រទេសនេះ ។ បច្ចុប្បន្ននេះ ការធ្វើដំណើរពីទីក្រុង Kristiansand នៅភាគខាងត្បូង ទៅទីក្រុង Trondheim នៅភាគខាងជើង ត្រូវចំណាយពេល ២១ ម៉ោង និងតម្រូវឲ្យជិះសាឡាង ចម្លងចំនួន ៧ ដើម្បីឆ្លងកាត់ ។ ដើម្បីធ្វើឱ្យការធ្វើដំណើរមានភាពងាយស្រួល រដ្ឋបាលទទួលបន្ទុកផ្លូវសាធារណៈន័រវែស (NPRA) បានស្នើនូវគម្រោងផ្លូវ បណ្តែតក្រោមទឹកដំបូងគេ របស់ពិភពលោក នៅក្នុងសមុទ្រន័រវែស។ គម្រោងនេះ ត្រូវបានព្យាករណ៍ថា នឹងចំណាយប្រាក់ ២៥ ប៊ីលានដុល្លារ (ប្រហែល ១៩ […]
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China has announced plans to create a global power grid which would be operational by 2050 at a projected cost of USD50 trillion.
Read MorePhnom Penh’s First Underground Shopping Mall Opens
After three years of construction, Naga Corp has opened Phnom Penh’s first underground shopping mall featuring hundreds of luxury local and international brands.
Read MoreA History of Quality Sports Construction in South East Asia
When the founders of Sports Engineering And Recreation Asia Ltd (Seara) first established their presence in Bangkok in 1991, a strategic decision was made to only build to International standards.
Read MoreKorean ‘smart City’ Set for Sihanoukville
The South Korean government plans to develop the kingdom’s first fully ‘Smart City’ in Sihanoukville province after reaching an agreement with the Cambodian government in August.
Read MorePhnomPenh City Hall Diary
Construction & Property Magazine is pleased to introduce a new regular feature bringing all the latest news from Phnom Penh City Hall. Design Options Proposed For BKC Traffic Light City Hall and experts from relevant public and private companies discussed the several options of design plans for the BKC traffic light (Canadia Bank). The final […]
Read MoreSafety First: Evaluating Concrete in Use
Engineers may need to evaluate the conditions of concrete in structures while in service for a number of reasons, which include investigating signs of distress and quality control checks on new structures, assessment for change of exposure and routine maintenance.
Read MoreMlmupc News
Construction & Property Magazine is pleased to launch a new regular column providing updates direct from the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction (MLMUPC).
Read MoreLighting Up in Style, the French Way
A high-end retailer of leading French lighting brands is the latest addition to the booming Cambodia property decoration sector. In an exclusive interview, Kollian Koy, Co-Founder and CEO of Maison Bienvenue explains how the company plans to transform the market’s understanding of quality, craftsmanship and beauty in lighting.
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