Labour Ministry: 747 Engineers Registered in 2021, Over 6,000 Total to Date

In 2021, there was total of 747 engineers registered with the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT), according to an MLVT report issued on 25 February.
This number brings the total accumulative number of registered engineers as of the end of 2021 to 6,008 (240 females), 84 of which are foreign engineers (2 females).
According to, Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, HE Chea Sophara, by May 2021, there were only 4,623 registered engineers. (Read more)
This figure shows that the number of engineers has increased significantly compared to the report of MLVT.
To standardise the engineering profession in Cambodia, MLVT has also been finalising the draft of the sub-decree on engineer ethics before submitting it to the cabinet for review and approval. (Read more)