Pandemic Dries Off US$3.6 bn in Investment Financing – Construction Sector FDI Inflow Drops by 10.6%
The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has reduced over US$3.6 billion in investment financing in Cambodia, or equivalent to 19.8% of total cash flow for 2020. In the meantime, FDI inflow to the construction and real estate sectors also dropped significantly by 10.6%. According to a press release from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Cambodia […]
Read MoreURBANLAND Partners with banks for faster loan processing and better payment plans
Award-winning local real estate developer Urbanland, a member of ISI GROUP, has signed a series of Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) with BRED Bank, CIMB Bank, and J Trust Royal Bank for their latest residential Borey project Chankiri Palm Creek. These partnerships will enable Borey Chankiri homebuyers to enjoy the benefits of faster home loan processing […]
Read MoreGround Broken on New Road Connecting Three Communes in Kampong Cham Province
The Kampong Cham provincial administration has officially broken ground on the new 27km DBST road connecting three main communes in Kang Meas district, Kampong Cham province. The road starts from Beong Trav village in Sour Kong commune, passing through Reay Pay commune, then ends at the Anlong Kokir Bridge in Preaek Koy commune, Kang Meas […]
Read MoreADB-funded US$12-million Pursat Infrastructure Development Project Over 64% Complete
The Asian Development Bank (ADB)-funded US$12.9-million sewage system and solid waste landfill development projects in Pursat province are on average over 64% complete and set for final completion soon, according to relevant officials last week. Being built by Kiri Dang Rek Company, the overall sewage system development is over 62% complete as of July. Thus […]
Read MoreCambodia Mulls Establishing Nuclear Centre with Assistance from China & Russia
The Cambodian government plans to establish a nuclear information centre to raise awareness and take advantage of nuclear energy to serve socio-economic development with assistance from China & Russia. Minister of Environment and Chairman of the National Council for Sustainable Development HE Say Sam Al said on Sunday 18 July that Cambodia has already signed […]
Read MoreGround Broken on National Construction Laboratory
The construction of the National Construction Laboratory has officially begun as a ground-breaking ceremony was held this morning under the presence of the Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction HE Chea Sophara. According to the ministry, the building will be built within the new ministry complex located on Street 307, in Anlong Kgan […]
Read MoreCambodia Selecting Best Villages to Join UNWTO’s ‘Best Tourism Villages’ Competition
The Ministry of Tourism is selecting the three best villages from a group of 100 villages nationwide for the `Best Tourism Village` competition of the United Nation’s World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The government has decided to select its best villages under the procedure of the Clean City contest, according to the statement of the Council […]
Read MoreIndonesia Eyes Construction & Real Estate Investment in Cambodia
Indonesia is looking for opportunities to partner with three Cambodian tycoons to invest in several key sectors in Cambodia, while construction and real estate are among the top priority. The interest was expressed through the Indonesian Ambassador to Cambodia Sudirman Haseng during a meeting with President of WorldBridge Group Oknha Sear Rithy, President of Mong […]
Read MoreNR11 Neak Leung-Tbong Khmum Expansion Project Passed Quality Test, Handed Over
After being open for public use for months, NR11 connecting Neak Leung and Tbong Khmum has recently passed the quality test and successfully been handed over to the government, according to an announcement by the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia on 15 July. The NR11 expansion project has a total length of 96.48km, connecting from Neak […]
Read MoreGov’t to Develop Sustainable Eco-tourism Zones in 7 Target Provinces
The Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Rural Development are working together to develop sustainable eco-tourism zones in seven target provinces. According to an official meeting on Wednesday14 July, those seven provinces include Kampong Speu, Koh Kong, Kampong Chhnang, Pursat, Battambang, Siem Reap and Kampong Thom. Meanwhile, the destinations will include the Aoral Mountain […]
Read MoreCambodia Earns US$1.1-billion Customs Revenue in H1; Construction Materials Contribute 6.2%
During the first half of 2021, the Cambodian government collected a total of US$1.1 billion in customs and excise revenue, of which construction materials contributed 6.2% or equivalent to US$71.7 million. A report from the General Directorate of Customs and Excise showed that the total revenue of Customs and Excise in H1 2021 dropped by […]
Read MoreBoard of Engineers Cambodia Laboratory Established To Strengthen Construction Sector
The newly-established Board of Engineers Cambodia Laboratory (BECL), which was soft launched recently, will contribute to safeguarding the quality and integrity of Cambodia’s building projects through highly trusted testing and inspection services. The BECL is now ready to roll out a full suite of product providing testing, inspection, certification and evaluation services for the building […]
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