Local News
Kratie Governor to further enhance provincial infrastructure after approving 79 construction projects
Kratie Governor HE Ra Thorn has pledged to continue enhancing provincial infrastructure, after approving 79 construction projects worth more than US$4 million. During a press conference on the progress and ongoing work of the Kratie Provincial Administration on 30 June, Governor Ra Thorn stated that in terms of construction work, the Kratie Provincial Administration has […]
Read MoreChinese firm reveals locations of US$160-million three parking lots project in Phnom Penh
China Good Cars Holding Ltd recently announced that the first location of its US$160 million three parking lot projects will be at the roundabout marking the border of Phnom Penh and Kandal provinces. Meanwhile, the second location will be on National Road 6 on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, while the third location remains […]
Read MoreMPWT to improve 38 main roads in Siem Reap, to standard of 34 road project in Sihanoukville
The Royal Government of Cambodia is seeking funding for the implementation of a 38.34 km road infrastructure project in Siem Reap town in order to promote the economy and beauty of Siem Reap city as a city of tourism, culture and history as well as to connect downtown Siem Reap to the rural areas outside […]
Read MoreUS$55 million from World Bank will be used for water and sanitation projects in Cambodia
The Royal Government of Cambodia has requested a loan of US$55 million from the World Bank to improve water supply and sanitation systems to benefit public health, sanitation in the city and to contribute to ensuring a clean environment, and living conditions of the people. The project was revealed by the Ministry of Public Works […]
Read MoreInvestment in new 150-megawatt dam requested upstream on Tatai River
Chinese firm China Heavy Machinery Corporation which currently operates the TataiRiver Hydropower Plant has requested to build a 150-megawatt dam upstream on the Tatai River, with the company currently proceeding with an environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA). The ESIA is being conducted by SAWAC Consultants (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Victor Jona, Director-General of Energy and […]
Read MoreKampong Speu 500-hectare industrial zone to become economic catalyst after COVID-19 crisis
Neak Oknha Pung Kheav Se’s 500-hectare industrial zone project located between National Roads 51 and 44, will become Cambodia’s economic catalyst after the COVID-19 crisis ends. Chrek Soknim, President of the Cambodian Valuers and Estate Agents Association (CVEA) told Construction & Property Magazine on 25 June 2020 that the 500-hectare industrial park development project has […]
Read MorePM Hun Sen: US$100 million to help developing rural infrastructure while creating more jobs
The USD$100 million in rural infrastructure projects that the government is providing not only helps develop local infrastructure but also provide jobs for people. The statement was made by Prime Minister Hun during the delivery on the “Cash Transfer Program for Poor and Vulnerable Households during COVID-19” on 24 June 2020. The Prime Minister explained […]
Read MoreUS$100 million water reservoir in Preah Vihear 41.5% completed
The US$100 million water reservoir project on which construction started in November 2019 is now 41.5%, according to an official press release from the Preah Vihear provincial administration on 25 June 2020. The project is being developed by The Consortium of Guangdong Foreign Construction Co., Ltd. & Guangdong Yuantian Engineering Co., Ltd. The total construction […]
Read MoreA2A Town Cambodia invests in 10,000-hectare scientific EDU and ecotourism site in Kirirom
The Kirirom for Everyone project or “vKirirom” situated a 10,000 hectare plot which is an investment by a Japanese company will transform the Kirirom mountainous area into a multifunctional scientific and educational centre and ecotourism site. The project, surrounded by pine forests and hills, located in Kirirom, Kampong Speu province, will include construction of an […]
Read MoreSamdech Vibol Panha Sok An Kirivong cultural park to be built in Takeo
Construction has begun on the Samdech Vibol Panha Sok An Kirivong cultural park at Beoung Tonleab with the restoration of Boeung Toleab, and clearing and filling the land. The park is scheduled to open to the public in Kirivong district in Takeo province soon. According to the official Facebook page of Kirivong District, this 500m […]
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