Four Win-Win Memorial Parks to be finished by the end of 2020

The government has announced construction of four parks at the Win-Win Memorial to celebrate the anniversary of the Win-Win policy which will be held in December 2020, according to an official press release from the Ministry of National Defence on 04 June.

At a meeting of the Win-Win Palace Construction Team on 03 June 2020, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defence Tea Banh, the construction team and related officials decided to build four parks: the National Defence Park, the Peace-keeping Park, the Public Social Security Park, and the Win-Win Architectural Park in the Win-Win Memorial area.

According to the minister of defence, each of the parks has its own meaning;the National Defence Park is dedicated to commemorating the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces;the Peace-keeping Park is designed to commemorate the achievements of the Cambodian Blue Helmets who have been taking parts in humanitarian and peace keeping missions as part of UN forces and the Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMAC);the Public Social Security Park is dedicated to the Royal Gendarmerie and the police; and the Win-Win Architectural Park is dedicated to all the construction teams of the Win-Win Memorial.

After having been assigned construction of the four parks, each team will speed up the construction in order to celebrate the 43rdAnniversary of the Win-Win Policy Day, which will be held on 29 December 2020.

On 30 May 2020, construction also began on another Win-Win Memorial in Koh Kong on a 8.8-hectare site to commemorate the Cambodian soldiers who lost their lives during the war. (Read more)

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