Thai Transport Minister Unveils Ambitious US$27bn Land Bridge Project to Chinese Investors

Thailand’s Transport Minister, Suriya Jungrungreangkit, recently promoted a US$27 billion land bridge project to Chinese investors in Beijing, aiming to alleviate congestion in the Malacca Strait, the world’s busiest sea corridor. The Nation newspaper reports that the proposed plan involves constructing two deepwater ports on either side of the Thai isthmus, connected by a 100km railway and motorway, facilitating cargo transit between the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand without traversing the Malacca Strait, as updated by Globalconstructionreview on 10 May 2024.

In a presentation at the Grand Hyatt Beijing Hotel, Suriya detailed the scheme to Chinese entrepreneurs from sectors such as logistics, shipping, port management, finance, industrial estate, insurance, and construction. Prominent companies represented included Cosco Shipping Lines, China Harbour Engineering, China Railway International Development, Hutchison Ports, and Xiaomi Corporation.

Additionally, Suriya engaged in discussions with Wu Hao, head of China’s National Development and Reform Commission, to expedite progress on the 873km high-speed rail line between Bangkok and Nong Khai. Following the meeting, Suriya confirmed that the project, initially set to enter service in 2028, has been delayed to 2030 due to route replanning and ongoing financial disputes between Thai and Chinese stakeholders.

Despite these setbacks, the first phase of the US$9.3 billion project, a 260km stretch from Bangkok to Nakhon Ratchasima, remains on track for completion by 2028. The second phase, extending from Nakhon Ratchasima to Nong Khai, has successfully passed an environmental impact assessment, with construction slated to commence next year.

This ambitious initiative underscores Thailand’s commitment to enhancing its infrastructure and strengthening economic ties with China, reflecting the strategic importance of the region in Asian trade dynamics.

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