Construction of NR10 Connecting Koh Kong & Battambang 60% Complete

Construction of NR10, stretching over 197 kilometres from Samlot district in Battambang province to Khemarak Phoumin city in Koh Kong province, is now 60% complete.

Koh Kong Governor HE Ms Mithona Phouthong said on Monday 14 March that the construction work is proceeding as planned with the working team actively conducting their jobs.

She said that NR10 is an important economic artery for this coastal province.

The project is costing US$188 million, which is a mixture of a Chinese loan and Cambodian government budget.

The project began in March 2020 and is scheduled to be completed by late 2023. (Read more)

Some alignments of the NR10 have also been changed to preserve the forest and environment, by repositioning from building the road through the middle of the Cardamom Mountains to a new detour route outside the forest zone. (Read more)

With this new alignment, at least another US$60 million will be added to the budget.


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